

Did you happen to miss the offering plate this Sunday, or were you out of town? You can submit your tithes & offerings through our PayPal account. You can also use your credit/debit card. Simply include your name and specify whether you’re offering is a tithe or a thanksgiving offering or any other kind of offering in the comment section below. You can include any additional message concerning your offering you would like us to receive in the comment section.


Personal Info

Donation Total: $10.00


To Make Offering Via Mpesa
  1. Go To M-Pesa Menu
  2. Select Lipa Na M-Pesa
  3. Enter Paybill Number as 714777
  4. Enter Account Number as 440000442496
  5. Enter Your M-pesa PIN
  6. Complete Transaction
  7. Call +25470xyz0000 to confirm your Offering
All contributions will be acknowledged.